Product Summary
The HM6264P-15 is a High Speed CMOS Static RAM.
HM6264P-15 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Terminal Voltage : -0.5 to +7.0 V; (2)Power DiaIlpation : 1.0 W; (3)Operating Temperature : 0 to +70 ℃; (4)Storage Temperature : -55 to +125 ℃; (5)Storage Temperature Under Bias : -10 to +85 ℃.
HM6264P-15 features: (1)Fast access Time : 100ns/120ns/150ns (max.); (2)Single +5V Supply; (3)Completely Static Memory..... No clock or Timing Strobe Required; (4)Equal Access and Cycle Time; (5)Common Data Input and Output, Three State Output; (6)Directly TTL Compatible: All Input and Output; (7)Standard 28pin Package Configuration; (8)Pin Out Compatible with 64K EPROM HN482764; (9)Capability of Battery Back Up Operation (L/LL-Version).